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Monday, March 26, 2012

Flower Power

Flower Power
Momma, why is there a Dandelion on my head?

Dog Blog Post #639: For Daily Dog Challenge

146. Flower Power - Take a picture of your dog with a flower. It can be one flower or a lot of flowers, real or artificial!


112 Pictures in 2012 - "#20. Wild Plant or Flower"

Henry was a very good sport.

Zachary was busy dropping the Lacrosse Ball at my feet.

I originally had this...

Flower Power

... to get this, too...

Our Daily Challenge - Mar. 26, 2012 - "Mono"

But just didn't care for the processing.

-- Like the idea of a daily dog photography prompt? Click on Daily Dog Challenge and join us!

© 2011 BZ Training - All Rights Reserved


  1. I actually really like the mono version, though I like the other one as well.

  2. good job Henry for sitting so still!!..nice bright yellow dandelion!!

  3. I am still so envious over that shot! It's just so simple and beautiful! I love it!

  4. I love this one... so beautiful!
