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Friday, March 9, 2012

Fun With Food


Dog Blog Post #622: I wasn't quite sure what to do for today's Daily Dog Challenge of...

130. Fun With Food - Take a creative picture of your dog's food or treats today!


Scavenge Challenge March 2012 - "9. Play with your food and photograph the results."

... until I walked into the Kitchen to find Zachary and Henry playing tic-tac-toe with their cookies.

I stuck around for a few rounds...


... until they realized the game was pointless, and promptly ate the pieces.



Don't let Henry's apparent lack of motion between the two shots above fool you. That cookie in the fish dish didn't vanish into thin air, and Zachary was busy with his own cookies!

Stop on by Zachary and Henry's blog: bztraining.blogspot.com

-- Like the idea of a daily photography prompt? Click on Daily Dog Challenge and join us! © 2011 BZ Training - All Rights Reserved


  1. Hey Henry, Hey Zachary, Jet here. You guys and your human are so smart and creative. We really look forward to your posts. :)

  2. glad you got to eat the props!..tic tac toe is pointless anyway!..way to go boys!!

  3. I can't let my mommy see this!!! You should be ashamed of making the rest of us dogs look so bad. Geeeeze what ever happened to taking one for the team?

  4. Looks like Henry and Zackary scored and then got to eat the fruits of their labor! What a deal.

  5. A game that you can play AND eat...brilliant!!!

  6. You always come up with such creative ideas for the challenges! I love this!
