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Saturday, March 31, 2012


Retriever Retrieving

Dog Blog Post #?: For the Daily Dog Challenge...

151. Happiness - Create a photo that makes you happy today!


Our Daily Challenge - Mar 30, 2012 - "Stereotype"


A Golden Retriever retrieving a ball - can you get any more stereotypical than that?

Retriever Retrieving

Fluffy Henry
We interrupt all this happiness for a shot of Henry doing what Henry does best... being fluffy.
This makes the photographer very happy as well.
Now, back to our previously scheduled Happiness pictures.

Retriever Retrieving

Sorry about the lack of words in the blog of late. We are now in the heart of my son's Lacrosse season, and it's a struggle to just get pictures, leaving little time for anything else at the moment.

Speaking of pictures - here's the final montage for Scavenge Challenge for the Month of March. April's list could appear as soon as today!

Scavenge Challenge March 2012

1. Sheep Shearing, 2. My Bowl, 3. Metalwork, 4. Dead Bolt, 5. Bath Time, 6. Rustic? Door
7. Once Upon a Time..., 8. Eh Hem..., 9. Tic-Tac-Toe, 10. Say What?, 11. Pup Tent, 12. Spring in Suburbia
13. The Day After, 14. Earth, Wind and Fire, 15. Abundance, 16. Stacked, 17. Red Solo Cup, 18. Mailbox
19. B is for Bike, 20. Spices, 21. Friday Night, 22. Mugging for the Camera, 23. Railroad Crossing, 24. My "Studio"
25. Hot Spots - Before, 26. Hot Spots - After, 27. End of the Rainbow, 28. Bath Prep, 29. Street Art, 30. Secret Life of the Suburban Dog

(27-30 are spares)

Made it here.

I also have a page correlates the pictures with the challenge items.

Without any doubt, my favorite shot was for the Magazine Cover...

Secret Life of the Suburban Dog

... which ironically was rejected by the Scavenge Challenge admin as not meeting the challenge (trains - Henry's blanket has little trains on it.) She's certainly well within her rights - the trains are small and hard to see - but I still think it's a cute picture. :)

-- Like the idea of a daily dog photography prompt? Click on Daily Dog Challenge and join us!

© 2011 BZ Training - All Rights Reserved


  1. I think your pictures are awesome! Thanks for sharing - and I love the fluffy Golden... makes you want to pat the golden!

    Stopping by on the blog hop today. Drop by www.pet-peeves.org to read my post about how my life got turned upside down this year - it's called "My Year of Living Dangerously." Have a great weekend with your fur

  2. indeed very stereo-typical!..but perfect in every way!..nothing like a golden running with a ball!!

  3. Running. With a ball. Smiles on their faces. Can't get much better!

  4. I think the pictures are adorable, and definitely fit the bill when I think of Golden Retrievers!

    I didn't finish the Scavenge Challenge again, but April's list looks promising!

    And I adore the magazine cover!

  5. Those are indeed some happy photos!
