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Saturday, March 31, 2012

Lazy Saturday

Lazy Saturday

Dog Blog Post #644: The boys lucked out today, as a scheduling conflict caused by hubby's nasty cold nixed the trip to the day spa.

That still left me running about like crazy to cover the slack, but totally let the boys off the hook.

Given that it was a rainy day, they tried to make the best of it.

At first, they just lazed around...

Lazy Saturday
We're bored.

But eventually some toys and snacks came out...

Ready... Aim...

... although they just couldn't see eye-to-eye as to which toys to play with.

Thankfully, a friend stopped by for awhile...

Ready... Aim...

Mischievous Dragon

A good time was had by all, and in the end, the Precious Puppy was quite exhausted.

Rubix Cube

Daily Dog Challenge "152. Lazy Saturday - For most of us, Saturday is a day to relax and have fun. Show us something you and/or your dog did for fun today!"

Our Daily Challenge - Mar 31, 2012 - "Cube"

-- Like the idea of a daily dog photography prompt? Click on Daily Dog Challenge and join us!

© 2011 BZ Training - All Rights Reserved


  1. nothing wrong with a lazy Saturday!!..did they solve the Rubik's cube?..I bet they did!

  2. Now you're just taunting me with that dragon! Yours is so much cooler than mine.

    The funny part is that I entertained the idea of using a Rubik's Cube yesterday, but it was so nice, I wanted to go out!
