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Thursday, March 1, 2012

Leap Day!

Leap Day

Dog Blog Post #613: Hope everyone enjoyed their extra day!

The Daily Dog Challenge kept us leaping today...

121. Leap Day - It only happens every four years! Let's see your dog leaping or otherwise celebrating Leap Day in some way. Feel free to interpret it as you like!"

... but I must admit, after the past few days efforts, I was pretty much "leaped out".

So I took the boys out back, chucked the ball, and took some happy-snappy shots, playing with shutter speed, in hopes that something would work out.

Obviously, I had a bit of Fun With Sliders for the shot above as it was a gray gloomy day and the pictures came out very flat. The original is below...

Leap Day

Here's another "pairs" (original first)...

Leap Day

Leap Day

And an original that I left alone...

Swirl of Fur

The blur on the left is Henry. The one of the right is Zachary. Their heads are down as they near an unseen Lacrosse Ball.

I'm actually not sure whose fluff of tail that is in the upper-right, but Zachary won the ball in the end.

And finally, the best "leap" of the day, was a really crummy (blurry) shot, that I took to slider extreme...

Leap Day

... for reference, it shows almost the exactly same location as the picture above it, with Zachary leaping off that small rock "wall" - the horizontal streak below his paws being the rocks.

-- Like the idea of a daily prompt? Click on Daily Dog Challenge and join us!

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  1. I like the artsy feel you gave the pictures! I think it looks rather cool!

    And sorry about the swag assignment. I shouldn't make assignments after my bedtime!

  2. looks like your boys had a fun 'leap day'..awe yes the life of a dog..filled with fun, balls, playing, eating and sleeping!

  3. Those are some Leaping good Shots!!

    Doggy Kisses,

  4. Good use of the ol' sliders. I really like the last one.
