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Thursday, March 22, 2012

Mugging for the Camera

Mugging for the Camera

Dog Blog Post #635: Today's Daily Dog Challenge was...

143. "Simple" - Take a photo of your dog with a simple composition today. Don't overthink it!


Scavenge Challenge March 2012 - "22. Mugs and cups are the theme. They may be full or empty, but glasses are not allowed."

For the record, we have many mugs, but I felt these were pretty good fits for their respective "owners". And yes, there's a cookie in each mug. :)

I know. That's not exactly "Simple". The shots below are probably closer...

Simply Waiting
"We're soooooooo bored."

Simply Waiting

... but I thought the mug shot was cute. :)

-- Like the idea of a daily dog photography prompt? Click on Daily Dog Challenge and join us!

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  1. the last pic put a smile on my sleepy-at-work face =D

  2. The mug shot is cute, but then, so are the more simplistic ones of the pups just hanging out.

  3. I love the mug shot, but that last one with the raspberry is hilarious! That should be on the ScavChal funny list!

  4. Looks like it was a tiring day at work guys.
