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Wednesday, March 21, 2012

Once Upon a Time....

Once Upon a Time...
(... to be continued)

Dog Blog Post #634: From the Daily Dog Challenge...

142. Do Over - Redo a past assignment today and tell us which one you're doing over.

This is a repeat of #98. Three Things - incorporate these three things in a photograph with your dog -- a pillow, something green and something made of wood.

Last time...

The Sporting Dog

... while I did like the shot, I barely had any green, wood, or even a pillow!

Our Daily Challenge - Mar 20, 2012 - "Connections and Attachments"

The dragon looks pretty attached to that cookie, to me!

Scavenge Challenge March 2012 - "7. In honor of St. Patrick's Day, make a photo of something green. No St. Pat's decorations!"

St. Pat did snakes, not dragons.

110 Pictures - "#64. Childhood"

-- Like the idea of a daily dog photography prompt? Click on Daily Dog Challenge and join us!

© 2011 BZ Training - All Rights Reserved


  1. The boys' expressions totally make that shot! I love it! I need a dragon for some shots with The Princess, methinks!

  2. OMG! That first picture is great!! Their faces say it all!
