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Sunday, March 25, 2012

Secret Life of the Suburban Dog

Secret Life of the Suburban Dog

Dog Blog Post #638: Had way too much fun. Spent way to much time. It is way too late (again).

For Daily Dog Challenge...

145. Cover Model for March - Because last month's cover dog assignment was so popular, we decided to make it a monthly addition. Take a photo of your dog that could be on the cover of a magazine. You can make it into a magazine cover if you like, but you don't have to. Please have fun with it! Last month's made us smile and laugh out loud.

Looks like BZ Dogs has expanded, and is now offering a Special Interest Publication subtitled "The Secret Life of the Suburban Dog"

Coming to a newsstand near you!

Scavenge Challenge March 2012 - "24. Who doesn't love trains? Photograph a locomotive or something related to trains."

And what train loving kid doesn't have a choo-choo train blanket?

Our Daily Challenge - Mar. 25, 2012 - "Shadows"

Believe it or not, I specifically tried to create interesting shadows - particularly on the paper bag. Alas, I might have been a bit heavy handed with "brighten". :(

112 Pictures in 2012 - "#23. Technology"

Darned expensive keeping up with the kids' interests.

Monday Mischief: They know better than to go out for fast food!

(And yes, they split the Ultimate Cheeseburger that was in that wrapper. How mean would that be if they hadn't!)

-- Like the idea of a daily dog photography prompt? Click on Daily Dog Challenge and join us!

© 2011 BZ Training - All Rights Reserved


  1. This has got to be one of my favorite shots yet. The doggy radio talk show hosts.

  2. Hi Y'all,

    Wow! While the cats away the mice will play looks like it just became while the humans are away the boys will read their email and run up a big phone bill!

    Just stopped by to catch up on your happenings and say hello! Have a great week!

    Y'all come by now,
    Hawk aka BrownDog

  3. I love this shot! And the fact that you worked all those challenges in amazes me! I bow to your talents!

  4. The cover is so clever!

    I know have been MIA on the DDC front... I hope to remedy that problem soon.
