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Monday, April 30, 2012

Dog & Butterfly


Dog Blog Post #674: Today's Daily Dog Challenge was...

182. Simple Background - Yesterday we went with an interesting background. See how a simple background changes your perception of things!

... and you can't get much simpler than black!

I combined this with an item from the newly posted May Scavenge Challenge list - "2. Cute critter of the month: butterflies and caterpillars"

(And got to trot my origami $10 bill butterfly again! - spent forever folding that thing.)


Our Daily Challenge - April 30, 2012 - "Animal"

I wasn't planning on putting Henry "to work"...


... but he voiced his displeasure at being left out while I was photography Zachary, then ran into "position" as soon as I let him into the kitchen.

What can I say, the boys love their work. :)

The outline of his hot spot clip is clearly visible, but at least the hot spot itself (not visible) is continuing to heal.

Cat & Butterfly

Since when did Kitty become a "regular"?

-- Like the idea of a daily dog photography prompt? Click on Daily Dog Challenge and join us!

© 2011 BZ Training - All Rights Reserved


  1. I love that first photo! Where did you get an all black background?

  2. I love all the shots, and I think kitty is working really hard at stealing the show here! You had a much better idea than I did! lol

    And I hadn't even seen the Scavenge Challenge list when I made the DDC assignment last night!
