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Wednesday, April 4, 2012

How Goldens View the World


Dog Blog Post #647: I'm pretty sure this is how the boys see the world. :)

Daily Dog Challenge "155. Find something that frames your subject today in your photo, whether it's a doorway, window, archway or other way of framing the shot."

Scavenge Challenge April 2012 - "15. Use an entryway (door, gate, arch, adit, etc.) in framing a black-and-white shot."

Our Daily Challenge April 3, 2012 - "Middle"

-- Like the idea of a daily dog photography prompt? Click on Daily Dog Challenge and join us!

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  1. you got that right!!..our's sees his 'life' through a 'chuck-it'..and he does prefer an orange ball!..that's our boy!!

  2. I still love that shot! It's just perfect. The orange ball just totally makes it!

  3. They're just waiting! Love the black & white shot...the orange ball gives it the right touch!

  4. Hey Henry, Hey Zack, Jet here.

    JJ says, Exactly!

    Mom says, yet another great shot!
