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Thursday, April 26, 2012

Road Trip?

Road Trip!
"Oh - he he he... Hi Mom!"
"Eh hem... and where do you two think you're going?"

Eh Hem...

Road Trip!
Good answer!
(Where did I put that number for the Puppy Sitter???)

Dog Blog Post #670: Hmmm... todays Daily Dog Challenge was a toughie, as Real Life prevented me from getting together with camera and the boys until it was already dark.

The challenge was...

178. On the Road - Take a picture of your dog going somewhere today! It can be in a car, on a walk, or anything else that strikes your fancy!


Our Daily Challenge - Apr 26, 2012 - "Just Three Colors"

I'm not actually sure if Black counts as a color in this case, because if it does, then I have four. But if Black isn't then perhaps White shouldn't be either.

Oh dear.

Perhaps we aught not think about it too much.

So what is really going on in the second shot? Well, there was a ramekin of treats sitting on the table out of view behind the big canister. That's what Henry was dutifully staring at, as I had just moments before pointed right at it, then gave the stay signal to "freeze" the pose.

Zachary was staring at it, but flicked his gaze up at me just as I took the picture.

I was standing just off camera to the left (dogs right) with the camera remote, waving my arm around (probably what caused Zachary to look up) trying to get the remote to see the camera past the light umbrella.


The end of the month is fast approaching, and there are still a few Scavenge Challenge shots left to take. Here's the shot for "14. Tie up your photostream with rope 1/2" (12-13 mm.) or larger." -

Yes, that is in indeed a large tug toy - brand new - bought special for this shot!
After this shot was taken, the boys played tug for a minutes and then Henry started to shred it.

... and finally the stuffed buddies gave me hand with: "8. Open your closet and make an interesting, imaginative shot. Think creatively!"

Caught in the Act
Caught in the act!

-- Like the idea of a daily dog photography prompt? Click on Daily Dog Challenge and join us!

© 2011 BZ Training - All Rights Reserved


  1. I love those shots! That second one is just so precious. Zachary really knows how to work the camera!

  2. These are great! The expressions on their faces are perfect.

  3. The look in that second pose is priceless. You and I work in polar opposite worlds.

    I can't imagine being so lucky to have models that sit, stay and freeze.

    These photos are awesome.
