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Wednesday, May 16, 2012

Afternoon Light

Late Afternoon Light

Late Afternoon Light

Late Afternoon Light

Late Afternoon Light

Late Afternoon Light

Dog Blog Post #690: Today's Daily Dog Challenge...

198. Find Your Light - Experiment with lighting today and show us what you think the best light is for you to take a picture of your dog.

... reminded me how much I love taking the boys picture in a bright, late afternoon sunbeam - the sort that highlights each individual hair yet renders the background…

Our Daily Challenge - May 16, 2012 - "Invisible"

… in the darkness.

This sort of light treats the boys quite differently. In Henry's shots I see softness and internal reflection, while it seems to bring out the wolf in Zachary - at least in head-on shots.

For the curious, the sunlight was coming in through a large window to my right. Henry was facing straight into the light, while it was hitting Zachary broadside.

In the second picture, that isn't Henry's rear paw on the far right that Henry's nose is point to, it's Zachary front paw (note the declaw!) That shows just how close together the boys actually were, as my sunbeam isn't very big. :)

Of course, if it was bigger, I probably wouldn't have that lovely dark background. :)

-- Like the idea of a daily dog photography prompt? Click on Daily Dog Challenge and join us!

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  1. I really love how these turned out! You captured both of the boys so dramatically this time!

  2. Great photos - capturing light is the hardest for me. I tend to get photos that are either too bright in areas or the shadows get washed out.



  3. These are stunning! And I do love the first photo also.
