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Tuesday, May 15, 2012


Bubbles Bubbles...
Love how Henry's pulled his whiskers forward to investigate the bubble.

Bubbles Bubbles...

Bubbles Bubbles...


Dog Blog Post #689: Today's Daily Dog Challenge was...

197. "All Around" - Photograph your dog with something round or spherical, or a part of your dog that's of that shape today!"


Our Daily Challenge - May 15, 2012 - "Round"
Scavenge Challenge May 2012 - "15. Easy one...find something round or globe-shaped."

Oh, I wish I had thought of this earlier in the day, when there would have been more light and I could have gotten a clearer picture.

Somewhat surprisingly, Zachary had zero interest in the bubbles, and Henry was merely curious.

I really needed a helper for this one, to blow the bubbles. Too much time passed between the time I blew them, put the bubbles bottle down, picked up the camera, and snapped the picture.

Plus I had to stay near the table (to put the bubble bottle on), and the wind kept blowing the bubbles back over the table!

Ah well, all lessons learned. :)

Selected Focus
Zachary prefers a different sort of round object.
This shot had Miniature Effect (camera post-processing option) applied to it.

Modern Art
Above,  subsequently run through the Nikon D7000's "Color Sketch" option
-- Like the idea of a daily dog photography prompt? Click on Daily Dog Challenge and join us!

© 2011 BZ Training - All Rights Reserved


  1. I love how those turned out! The one where he's biting the bubble just cracked me up. Why do those perfect moments have to be the blurry ones on the camera? :-/ I wish I'd thought of doing bubbles, too, but I did not have an assistant last night, either! lol

  2. the bubble shots are great!!..very creative, and Henry is so accomodating!

  3. Love those bubbles! You really make me want to get a new camera (and learn how to use it). I love the picture of the bubble in your mouth.

    Happy Wednesday!

  4. Wow! I can't believe you caught that picture of the bubble in Henry's mouth before it broke! Cool!
