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Wednesday, May 2, 2012

Eagle Scout


Dog Blog Post #676: Today's Daily Dog Challenge was...

184. Be Bold - Bold, vivid colors can really add "pop" to your pictures. Take a photo that has some vivid color today!

This was a fortuitous challenge, tying in well an Our Daily Challenge I missed a few days ago on Apr 29, 2012 - "Parallel Lines"


The fact my son passed his Eagle Board of Review tonight, and he is now officially an Eagle Scout.

I am so proud of him!!!

Along the way, son has hiked more than 700 miles in the Sierras, including multiple 50+ mile backpacking trips, earned 36 merit badges, learned to tie ropes, start fires (safely!), fish, cook, camp, make baskets, shoot shotguns, climb rock walls, kayak, snowshoe, (etc., etc. etc...), spent two weeks at Philmont Scout Ranch, went to a handful of summer camps, completed his Eagle project (Owl boxes and Hawk platforms), and in general had a whole lot of fun over the years. :)


Editor's Note: I was asked about how I got the black background for the other day's shoot with the origami butterfly, and I don't have time to describe it tonight, but I should have a lot more time tomorrow!

-- Like the idea of a daily dog photography prompt? Click on Daily Dog Challenge and join us!

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  1. I love those pictures of the boys! A big congrats to your son, too. I know it's a lot of hard work to earn Eagle Scout status. You have every right to be proud of him!

  2. Mommy says I should say "Congratulations" to you and your son. As my hu-brother and daddy are also Eagle scouts, they know what it takes to earn this award. It takes a special young man with a great family behind him to make it. So, way to go!!

    Doggy Kisses,
