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Sunday, May 13, 2012

Happy Mother's Day

Happy Mother's Day

Happy Mother's Day

Happy Mother's Day

Dog Blog Post #687: Not surprisingly, we had...

Daily Dog Challenge "195. Tickled Pink - In honor of Race for the Cure walks, Mothers and Spring, show us your dog with something pink (tongue, tummy, or anything else!)"

Scavenge Challenge - May 2012 - "5. Mothers' Day occurs in the US this month, so let's recognize moms with a photo."

There's nothing like a big card and some flowers from the kids to make you feel loved on Mother's Day. :)

Somewhat surprisingly, Our Daily Challenge decided to feature "Architecture" as its photography topic of the day.

Yes, that's right, Architecture.

On Mother's Day.

Because we all know how much mom adores taking pictures of Architecture.

On Mother's Day.

Then again, perhaps the feeling was that as mom was being ferried from hither to yon, some attractive Architecture just begging to be photographed might appear.


I was in quite a quandary over which picture to pick. The lead photo has the happiest expression, but Henry came out a bit blurry as I either didn't get them in the same plane to start with or somebody moved. I'm thinking the later, as Henry's paw was originally behind the "card" (to help hold it upright). The second picture is the sharpest, and the "card" more readable, but the expressions weren't quite as good. Once again, I found myself second (third, and fourth) guessing myself.

The "card" is actually just a printout of a picture I took earlier in the day using my nifty new circular polarizing filter (aka my Mother's Day present.)

I found it pretty much idiot proof to use, although I'm still trying to figure out how much is too much (or too little) and when it should (or shouldn't) be tried. In the case of today's flower shots, the filter definitely helped. It made the colors richer and clearer and the backgrounds deeper.

Happy Mother's Day

Happy Mother's Day

As for Mischief? Alas, I have no photographic proof of any, and the boys swear they were on their best behavior for Mother's Day.

The pair of underwear found on the back lawn, the pillows on the floor, and the blankets scattered about the Living Room had absolutely nothing to do with them.


-- Like the idea of a daily dog photography prompt? Click on Daily Dog Challenge and join us!

© 2011 BZ Training - All Rights Reserved


  1. Hey Henry, Hey Zachary, Jet here.

    Mom melted with your Mother's Day pics... hope you made your Mom's Day special.

    What a perfect present you selected for Mom! She's such a talented photographer, more tools will equal more awesome photos. Good Job guys!

    You got away with a mischief free post alright!!! ha ha...

  2. I love the pictures, and that filter sounds so very nifty! I have my fingers crossed for some photography toys later this week... The flower shots are almost as lovely as those of the boys!

    Were there any red solo cups out in the back yard with the underwear and other pilfered items? Perhaps the boys are more innocent than they appear! ;)

  3. Happy Mom day to you!!..looks like the boys were on their best behaviour!!

  4. What beautiful pictures! I hope you had a great Mother's Day!

  5. Hey there! Happy Post Mothers' Day to your Mom! :) These are beautiful photos! Great work :D Your dogs are so well-behaved!

  6. Happy Belated Mother's Day! Your mother's day pics look great!

    Take care,
