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Monday, May 7, 2012

Professor Zachary

Play Town
"Ok guys - why are the cookies all over the floor?"

Dog Blog Post #681:

Our Daily Challenge - May 6, 2012 - "City or Town View"

I'm pretty sure this is NOT what the creator of this challenge was thinking, but shooting around Henry's Hot Spot is a bit of challenge under controlled circumstances, let alone out and about.

The fur is slow returning, the spot slowly healing, and today's pictures are the first since it appeared that I didn't retouch. :)

Daily Dog Challenge188. Where You Live - Go out and show us a picture from the area where you live today!

Well, it's the Living Room, and we do actually live in it.

True, most of the time the boys are playing with empty boxes, playing bitey-face, racing up and down the halls, or curled up for a nap and NOT playing with dog cookies my son's old Thomas the Tank Engine board. :)

Play Town
Zachary: "We are studying the effect of traffic conjestion on transport economics in a semi-industrial community..."

Henry: "The cookies are going from here..."

Play Town
"... to there."

Play Town
Zachary: "... and how implementing measures to reduce excessive congestion diverts goods from the community."

Henry: "And then we eat them."

A Tired Puppy

Well, at least it wore them out.

Editor's Note: Henry's Hot Spot continues to slowly heal, and today is the first day that I haven't retouched the pictures to obscure it. The area that is still "in play" is about the diameter of a ping-pong ball, with the rest rapidly disappearing under a layer of silkily soft fur.

It would probably be gone by now if Zachary would stop "tending" to his nephew. It seems that keeping Zachary from licking Henry is a full time job, and while Zachary doesn't mean to be causing mischief, that is certainly the result.

-- Like the idea of a daily dog photography prompt? Click on Daily Dog Challenge and join us!

© 2011 BZ Training - All Rights Reserved


  1. Hi Y'all,

    Stoppin' to say "hello" and see how y'all are doing.

    Hey, my Humans look after each other...if I had a nephew I'd be lookin' after him too!

    Hope you have a fantastic week!

    Y'all come by now,
    Hawk aka BrownDog

  2. That looks like a pawsome game - can I come and help finishing up the biscuits? *waggy tail*

  3. Looks like a great game of cookies! How nice of Zachary to look after Henry! :-)

  4. Hey Henry, Hey Zachary, Jet here.

    As always, a superior photo, caption post... Zachary, JJ is helping my tail area "heal" too... I'm not letting that girl anywhere near my Manly Man boo boos!

  5. Oh my gosh! I love those pictures! We ended up being out of town all day, so I never did get that shot, but I'm hoping to this afternoon if the weather will cooperate. Nothing like the dogs' schedules to keep you too busy to get pictures taken! :-/

  6. Oh my gosh! I love those pictures! We ended up being out of town all day, so I never did get that shot, but I'm hoping to this afternoon if the weather will cooperate. Nothing like the dogs' schedules to keep you too busy to get pictures taken! :-/

  7. Glad to hear Henry's hotspot is healing up. It looks like the boys were hard at work trying to solve some major problems. Love the last pic.
