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Friday, June 15, 2012

Drinking Buddies

Drinking Buddies

Dog Blog Post #720: Boys will be boys?

No, I don't normally "flash" the boys full on, but my Speedlight (for the usual bounce shot) was in the other room, and the boys were looking cute. So for grins, I popped up the on-camera flash and took three shots, figuring they would be terrible.

And they were.

But in a "family photo album", "down at the local watering hole", sort of way that made me smile. :)

This was for...

Daily Dog Challenge "228. Water Dog or Land Dog -How does your dog feel about water? Do they enjoy a good swim, avoid water at all costs, somewhere in between? Show us with a photo!"

Zachary was quite the water puppy, but has aged to indifference. Henry is oblivious to water, wandering around in the sprinklers as though they aren't even on.

I, on the other hand, had no interest in having wet dogs in the house today.

... as well as...

Our Daily Challenge - June 15, 2012 - "Across the Water"

Look across the water (bottle) and you will see the boys. :)

Drinking Buddies

And finally, making the best of a disaster of a shot...

Crystal Arch

Scavenge Challenge June 2012 - "10. Buckle - as a noun, it is a fastener or a dessert; as a verb, it means to bend under stress."

The stream of water bends under the stress of gravity.


No, I don't think the admin is actually going to accept that one. But it was worth a try. As for the shot, I should have pulled the polarizing filter off the lens before shooting. Since the shots were already "ruined", I decided to have some fun with them.

This has Aperture's "Toy Camera" color adjustment applied.

-- Like the idea of a daily dog photography prompt? Click on Daily Dog Challenge and join us!

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  1. They may not be purfect but you had fun! And so did the boys!

    Diggy kisses

  2. I think the pictures of the boys with the water bottle are just great! Sometimes simple is good. :)

  3. Hey Henry, Hey Zachary, Jet here

    I'll take a piece of that action... hanging with the guys!

    Sometimes imperfection can be just right... love the shot of the water!

  4. Oh my..life without water for our Golden Boy?..not going to happen in his lifetime..he lives for swimming!..a wet stinky dog in a small condo?..not a good thing but at least he is happy!.. great water shots of your boys!!..Cheers!

  5. I kind of like that last shot, not in any technical way, but just as a sort of different and neat option.

  6. What? Someone be a stickler over that last shot? Noooooo! It's unheard of! :P

    I think the pictures of the boys turned out really cute!
