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Tuesday, June 5, 2012

Hello Down There

Hello Down There

Hello Down There

Hello Down There

Hello Down There

Hello Down There

Dog Blog Post #710: Today was a three-fer, with:

Daily Dog Challenge"218. From Way Down Here - Take a picture today that makes your dog look taller than he or she really is."

Our Daily Challenge - June 5, 2012 - "Ground"

Scavenge Challenge June 2012 - "Low angle photography"

I tried some new things today, not that you can tell to look at the pictures.

First, I put up the metal frame backdrop holder that came with the Studio In A Bag that Hubby bought me for Christmas.

Not sure why I waited this long to do so, I guess I thought it would be hard.


Went up in a snap and could be made just the right size for my black velvet fabric dangling lengthwise (6 feet).

I also tried out Live View on the camera for the first time, so I could use a small mirror on the ground to see where I was pointing the camera up at.

Live View worked great. The mirror worked great. Unfortunately, Zachary salivary glads were working great - hence all today's pictures are of Henry, and my lens got a nice cleaning.


In the end, most shots had me laying on my back with my camera as low as I could get it and still see the LCD, shooting pretty much straight up at Henry.

Henry thought it was pretty funny that Momma was on the ground. :)

Hello Down There

All shots were taken with my 50mm lens wide open at f/1.4, allowing me to keep the main kitchen lights off (less glare) the flash off (too close) and use just the twin umbrella stands.

Had I been trying this with my zoom lens, the lens would have been tickling their chins and the pictures would have been dreadfully dark or a much higher ISO than the 320-400 these came in at.

Love my Nikkor 50mm f/1.4 lens. :)

-- Like the idea of a daily dog photography prompt? Click on Daily Dog Challenge and join us!

© 2011 BZ Training - All Rights Reserved


  1. You really got some fantastic shots for the assignment! The DOF on those is awesome. Now I'm contemplating how to combine fresh with harmony! lol

  2. great nose shots!!!..Henry looks so big!!

  3. Great photos! I love puppy noses. ♥ ♥ ♥

  4. Woof! Woof! CUTE! Such a Golden Look! Happy Wednesday. Lots of Golden ALOHA n Woofs, Sugar

  5. Love the nose shots. I always try to take several nose closeups of my pups.

    Happy Wednesday!
