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Sunday, June 24, 2012

Kick Up Your Heels

Kick Up Your Heels

Kick Up Your Heels

Dog Blog Post #729: Seeing as it was Sunday, and the weather was perfect, the boys decided to…

Daily Dog Challenge "237. Kick Up Your Heels"

… kick up their heels and have a lively game of fetch.

Well, at least Zachary did, as we all know he's the Lacrosse Ball's biggest...

Our Daily Challenge - June 24, 2012 - "Fan"

While Henry might not be as big a fan as Zachary, I think his tail just might qualify as a fan!

As for Monday Mischief? I think the culprit is the Lacrosse Ball itself this time, managing to elude Zachary...

Where'd it go?

... but only for a moment!

Can you spot it in the shot above? (Hint - it's not the one at Henry's feet.)

And now, as promised, a few outtakes from yesterday's Spinner shots...

Zachary's tongue fluttering in the breeze or a huge raspberry? You make the the call!
Love the fur, but the drop of drool on the end of Henry's tongue? Ewww!
And finally, a mosaic showing the effects of Exposure (Shutter Speed)...

Wind Spinner

You can click on the links below to see the full-sized version in Flickr.

1. Wind Spinner - 1 @ 1/250s
2. Wind Spinner - 2 @ 1/50s
3. Wind Spinner - 3 @ 1/20s

4. Wind Spinner - 4 @ 1/13s
5. Wind Spinner - 5 @ 1/6s
6. Wind Spinner - 6 @ 0.8s

-- Like the idea of a daily dog photography prompt? Click on Daily Dog Challenge and join us!

© 2011 BZ Training - All Rights Reserved


  1. Woof! Woof! LOVE the 2nd photo. Happy MM! Lots of Golden ALOHA n Woofs, Sugar

  2. Roo - I'm loving the tongue shots and my human seems impressed by the shutter speed collage! *waggy tail*

  3. love the tail shots!!..perfection!!

  4. What a couple of cute fluffy butts!

  5. They are having so much fun with their ball (even if one is almost hidden by Henry's tail)! And I love Henry's drool picture...at least it's not a string of drool!!

  6. Oh my gosh! I love them in motion! And now I'm sure I have to get a spinner! You're killing me!
