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Wednesday, June 27, 2012

The Professors

Professor Zachary

Professor Henry

Dog Blog Post #732: Today we had...

Professors Zachary and Henry, both looking quite cheery. Zachary has his…

240. "Something Transparent"

… glasses perched…

Our Daily Challenge - June 27, 2012 - "Over and Under"

… over his nose and under his hat as they each sit for their...

Scavenge Challenge June 2012 - "17. Make a formal portrait ("head shot") of a companion animal (yours or a friend's)." (spare)

… portrait.

Yes folks, believe it or not, Henry can be serious...

Professor Henry

Just not for very long!

Professors Henry and Zachary

-- Like the idea of a daily dog photography prompt? Click on Daily Dog Challenge and join us!

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  1. the boys look wise beyond their years..at least for a split nano second!!

  2. They look so distinguished! ;)

  3. They look fantastic! And you and I have GOT to find some canine Sherlock Holmes hats! That would have been perfect with the glasses. Hee hee!
