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Monday, June 4, 2012

Rube Goldberg Machine

Rube Goldberg

Rube Goldberg

Dog Blog Post #708: It's been quite busy around here, and this is one of the reasons why...

Scavenge Challenge June 2012 - "2. So...what have you Googled lately? Show us the subject or the reason you looked it up."

"A Rube Goldberg machine, contraption, invention, device, or apparatus is a deliberately over-engineered or overdone machine that performs a very simple task in a very complex fashion, usually including a chain reaction."

Or at least, so saith Wikipedia.

I'm thinking it's a device whose construction takes over your entire house and causes otherwise sane people to start ransacking their belongings in an endless pursuit of potential components for energy changes.

The one pictured here, contains...

Our Daily Challenge - June 3, 2012 - "Stairs"

… for dominos to climb, and was constructed by my son for his Physics class.

Its simple task? Pop a balloon, which would normally be sitting on the board just about where the boys heads are in the top shot.

And yes, it worked.

Twice in a row!

Let's hope it works tomorrow in Physics class.

Note: Mouse trap was a special purchase item. The one time we had a mouse, I used a humane trap to relocate it to a more appropriate habitat!

Rube Goldberg

Rube Goldberg

Rube Goldberg

As it has resulted in the boys being barricaded out of the kitchen/family room, they have every right to view it as a prime source of Monday Mischief.

-- Like the idea of a daily dog photography prompt? Click on Daily Dog Challenge and join us!

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  1. Hey Henry, Hey Zachary, Jet here.

    Well, we can surely see where your human brother gets his creativity! As soon as Mom saw the pic, she thought of the game Mouse Trap which she played when she was little!

    Please share with your human brother, we think he deserves an A+

  2. That IS quite a contraption. Bet everyone junped when the baloon finally popped! GOOD luck in class.

  3. My dad is the king of Rube Goldberg contraptions! I think your son's is fantastic, and I love the boy's expressions while they watch it. Good luck to your son with it in class! :)

  4. I love those! I've always made simple ones, but I've seen some youtube videos of very complex ones that amaze me!

    Good luck for your son!


  5. How patient you are not to play with it.

  6. Wow! What a great job your human brother has done! It too, reminds me of the game mousetrap we had! :)

  7. That looks really cool! :)

    We love those machines! :)


  8. That's a cool looking machine! I want to see a video of it in action. Good thing no cats around.

    Happy Monday!

  9. Oh wow! This looks like a blast! We agree with Colby, you need a video of the finished piece. Happy Monday.
    ~Weinerful Gang~
