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Thursday, June 21, 2012



Dog Blog Post #726: Yup. Sliced. That was the prompt for Our Daily Challenge.

Combine that... somehow... with the Daily Dog Challenge of...

234. Having Fun - What does your dog do for fun? Take a photo and show us today!

... and you get a picture sliced clean in half with the window jam (what will the Rule Police say about THAT one???) with Zachary thinking...

Chase the Lacrosse Balll…
Fetch the Lacrosse Ball…
Sleep with the Lacrosse Ball…
Chew on the Lacrosse Ball…
Carry the Lacrosse Ball…


You can have...


Henry playing spoiler again today, trying to snatch the Lacrosse Ball from the air before Zachary (behind him) has a chance to get it.

You can tell he was Having Fun at Zachary's expense by the way his tail Sliced through the air with excitement, daring me to try to throw it past him.

Mine Now
"Finders keepers?"

But but but...
"But... but... but..."

Mine Now
"My ball."

And finally, Henry wanted to me to show everyone that he can do "soft", too...


-- Like the idea of a daily dog photography prompt? Click on Daily Dog Challenge and join us!

© 2011 BZ Training - All Rights Reserved


  1. true golden fun!..Zach loves his lacrosse balls!!

  2. We completely understand! Only ours is tennis balls. And my tail moves counter clockwise when I jump!!

    doggy Kisses,

  3. I don't know how you picked a favorite! I love seeing Henry and Zachary in "their natural environment"! :)
