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Tuesday, June 5, 2012

Three Bags Full

Three Bags Full

Dog Blog Post #709: Today's Daily Dog Challenge was...

217. Starts With W - Take a picture of your dog with something that starts with W.


Scavenge Challenge June, 2012 - 14. Alphabet soup: subject must be a noun beginning with "W." (spare)

As I was trying to think of something with a "W", I pulled out Henry's undercoat rake and proceeded to give him a good comb down.

Henry LOVES his undercoat rake, and dances on tip toes to push up against it.

Fluff flew everywhere.

In a few short moments, he looked like a giant dandelion had exploded all around him.

And then it hit me.


And as it went EVERYWHERE, I felt it met the "chaos, disorganized, random" definition of…

Our Daily Challenge - June 4, 2012 - Entropy.

Three Bags Full

Three Bags Full

Editor's Note: Rube Goldberg Machine update - I am pleased to report that it DID work, after a "few" tries, and he received a 100%! Yeah! I know son has video of it from when we test fired it at home. I'll see what I can do about getting copy/link.

-- Like the idea of a daily dog photography prompt? Click on Daily Dog Challenge and join us!

© 2011 BZ Training - All Rights Reserved


  1. I love how these turned out! Very cool! I had a great idea for entropy, but not enough time, so we'll see what plays out later! :P

  2. it's not a home without dog/cat hair!..that looks like my house on a bad day!

  3. Very cool shots!! I love the lighting effect with the dark background and the spot light effect. Too cute!
