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Wednesday, July 25, 2012

A Hard Bargain

A Hard Bargain
Zachary: "Mighty nice Lacrosse Ball you have there."
Henry: "I suppose I could part with this Special Lacrosse Ball for those stacks of cookies."

Eh hem...

Henry, stop trying to con your Uncle out of his snack.

Zachary, you have a dozen Lacrosse Balls exactly like that one. You don't need to give up your cookies for it!

Zachary: "But Mom, this one is special."
Henry: "You heard him Momma, Special!"

Dog Blog Post #759

Photography Assignment

  • Daily Dog Challenge "267. Canine Currency - If dogs ran the world, what would they use for currency?"
  • Our Daily Challenge - July 24, 2012 - "Now and/or Then"

The Plan

A Wild West theme came to mind, with the boys using their favorite items for currency.

The Problems

I love this faux-leather background fabric. I waited months for it to go on sale, as I needed 2 yards and it was regularly $16 per yard. When I finally spotted it 60% off I snatched it up.

Imagine my disappointed when I realized how hard it was to take pictures of, as it had a nasty way of reflecting the flash - see New Sherriffs In Town.

The Solution

After spending way to much time in post-production every time I used it, I finally figured out to shove a plastic bowl between the top of the cardboard the fabric is draped over and the cabinets behind. That angles the board/fabric just enough to keep the glare to passing levels.

Cowboy Henry

-- Like the idea of a daily dog photography prompt? Click on Daily Dog Challenge and join us!

© 2012 BZ Training - All Rights Reserved


  1. These are awesome photos. We would not sit still long enough for that photo shoot. Happy Wednesday. Sniffs, The HoundDogs

  2. I am still giggling over these shots, and the captions make them so much better! I think it was worth all the trouble you had to go to!

  3. Hey Henry, Hey Zachary, Jet here.

    Guys, I just don't know how your Mom does it! We look forward to your pics every time we can check in. We are running out of superlatives (vocab builder)!

  4. I think the stack of treats for the lacrosse ball is a good trade. After the treats are gone you'll still have the Lacrosse ball!

  5. Zachary's face in that third photo is just too cute!

  6. These photos are so wonderful! I love them.
