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Friday, July 20, 2012

As Sweet As

As Sweet As...
"Momma! Can I have some Peanuty Butter and Cookies?"

Sure, sweetie. Just give me a minute and I'll come make you some.

As Sweet As...
"You might want to bring a mop."

Dog Blog Post #754

Photography Assignment

  • Daily Dog Challenge "263. As Sweet As..."
  • Our Daily Challenge - July 20, 2012 - "Don't Forget…"

The Plan

Sweet and Honey seemed like a good fit, and Honey goes with Peanut Butter, and Peanut Butter goes on something.

I decided to do a profile, as the last two shoots  (Taste Testing and Friendly Game) were looking full on.

I also decided to try a different table, as if you recall the Magic Hat shots, the table seemed too high.

The Problems


Other than my (once again) misjudging how much the camera can actually see when I have it on the tripod and I'm using the remote?

There was the odd issue of the knife. Now, I'm pretty sure I've taking pictures with utensils sticking up out of the Peanut Butter jar before, but for some reason, both boys balked at it the first time they saw it - Zachary even worse than Henry.

I ended up pulling the table toward me, getting them to sit, then sliding the table back into place and hoping they didn't scooch backward.

The Aftermath

No, of course they didn't get any honey. They did get a healthy slathering of the peanut butter on the cookies.


Don't Forget...

And then chilled...

King of the Sofa

Editor's Note: I'm still working away on the BZ Dogs Journal site. Today I added several pages - lists really - of topics I hope to spend some time experimenting with. When I do, I'll create a page showing what I did (or didn't) discover and make the item in the list a link.

So far I have lists for Learning My Camera, Composition, and Post-Processing.

The contents aren't cast in stone, and probably will morph over time.

This was inspired by the series of shutter speed pictures I took for June's Scavenge Challenge. I discussed it in a bit more detail on the Wind Spinner and Kick up Your Heels posts, but the upshot was this picture:

Wind Spinner

-- Like the idea of a daily dog photography prompt? Click on Daily Dog Challenge and join us!

© 2012 BZ Training - All Rights Reserved


  1. good old fashioned peanut butter..Yummy!..nice drool!

  2. Hey Henry, Hey Zachary, Jet here.

    Dude, you have the willpower of a saint! Peanut butter... sitting... posing so manly man... manly man chest bumps, dude...

    Drool? Can't be helped!

  3. Yummmmm. Peanut butter. I'm drooling now!!

  4. Peanut butter is a favorite here, too! Not just for the dogs, but for the humans, as well. Is there a more perfect creation?
