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Monday, July 2, 2012

A Dog, a Cat, and a Chair

A Dog, a Cat, and a Chair
"... I wasn't going to eat it. I was just going to taste it." -- Pooh Bear

Dog Blog Post #736:

Our Daily Challenge - July 1, 2012 - "Begins with 'T'"

Trapped - or possibly Tasty, given Zachary's stream of drool.

Uh oh.

Daily Dog Challenge "244. "With A Chair" - What does your dog prefer? In your chair? In front of the chair by your feet? Behind the chair? Show us your dog with a chair today!?"

The boys have little use for chairs. They don't like to get in them, they are too big to go under them, and the humans are too fidgety for the boys to safely lay fore or aft (not that they don't try.)

Sofas are definitely more their style!

Kitty, on the other hand, seems quite comfy there.

A Dog, a Cat, and a Chair
Zachary: "Pleeeeeease!"

A Dog, a Cat, and a Chair
Henry: "Sigh. Not a cookie."

As for Monday Mischief...

Dog and Chair
"Cat? What cat?"

-- Like the idea of a daily dog photography prompt? Click on Daily Dog Challenge and join us!

© 2011 BZ Training - All Rights Reserved


  1. Oh no. What happened to the cat? :)

  2. Ha ha ha! That wasn't what I was expecting with the chair, but it's hilarious! Henry seems to have a definite idea about that cat...

  3. Woof! Woof! I say that is a good cat ... did not Meow at you. Lots of Golden ALOHA n Woofs, Sugar

  4. Did I just hear a "meow" coming out of you? LOL!

  5. The cat reminds me of the plush kitties that were at blogpaws. Great pictures.

    Take care,

  6. Roo that last photo made me howl with laughter. I want a little kittie too now! *waggy tail*

  7. Hey Henry, Hey Zachary, Jet here.

    I thought the mischief was scooting your head into the side of the chair!

    Are you guys doing magic mischief now? Where's the kitty?
