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Monday, July 9, 2012

It's For You

It's For You
"For Me?"

It's For You
"Oh Boy!"

It's For You
"Let's see... who's it from?"

It's For You
"Would you be a dear and take a message?"

Dog Blog Post #743: Today we had...

Daily Dog Challenge "251. "Technology"

Our Daily Challenge - July 8, 2012 - "People and Cellphones - the aim is to show the relationship of people to their cellphones"

The beauty of the cellphone, of course, is that the call is almost always for the owner of the phone.

This is a good thing, as I share a house with a teenager who has his own cell phone (much nicer than mine, shown here) and I am thus spared the constant ringing and answering of a phone that has very little probably of being for me.

Gotta love technology.

Small Buttons
"Who invented this keypad - a mouse?"

Monday Mischief...

Tech Savvy
Tech Savvy

Oh boy, that can't be good.

-- Like the idea of a daily dog photography prompt? Click on Daily Dog Challenge and join us!

© 2011 BZ Training - All Rights Reserved


  1. Woof! Woof! Its ME!!! Time to get an iPhone so we can do face time. Happy Monday! Lots of Golden ALOHA n Woofs, Sugar

  2. I agree!.an I-phone is where it's at!!!

  3. Ha! "Can you be a dear and take a message?" completely cracked me up! How did we survive without phones before? lol The pictures and idea are perfect for the assignment!

  4. These photos are pawsome! Get an iphone- they have touch screens and work with wet noses too *waggy tail*

  5. Love the face on the first pick...'like you've got to kidding me' Too cute!

  6. I agree..that first picture is a keeper. The look on his face is precious.

  7. Way to work that cell phone. Linus ate my sisters cell phone. Lucky for her (and Linus/me) Costco gave her a brand new one free of charge.

    Happy Monday!

  8. Your boys have really expressive faces. It's so lovely to see. Thanks so much for these wonderful photos.

    I'll be back,
