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Wednesday, July 25, 2012

Round 10


Dog Blog Post #760

Photography Assignment

  • Daily Dog Challenge "268. Adjective -What's the first adjective that comes to mind when you think of your dog? Take a photo that shows us what it is."
  • Our Daily Challenge - July 25. 2012 - "Numbers"

The Plan

Simple as can be. The first things that came to mind were Fluffy and Playful, so I decided to post a "Round 3" sign on the wall where the boys play bitey-face each evening, sit on the sofa and watch a bit of TV, snap a few pictures, and call it a night.

The Problems

Well, for starters, they decided to skip bitey-face tonight, other than a few seconds of half-hearted pawing...

Round 3
"In a seedy part of town..."

... and a bit of tug in front of the TV - which, you might recall, was on.


The Solution

1. I played Push The Sliders on the only picture I did get with the dogs and the signs together (above) and while it was a fun exercise, I didn't really get anything good. The color was off, the fur an amorphous blob... a total write off.

2. Moving on, I resorted to Photoshopping (Aperturing?) the TV to black and added in text. During that whole process, I realized I had misread the assignment as Number (singular) instead of Numbers (plural).

Oh well, tomorrow dawns a new assignment.

"Sorry, Uncle Zachary. It's too hot to play."

Editor's Note: Wow, things have been a lot busier around here than I thought, but I'm still plugging away at BZ Dogs Journal. Today I began fluffing out Putting It All Together by listing what I think about (or wish I had thought about) before I do a photo session. 

I'd like to get create a list of common props and such, as I always seem to remember the perfect item after I've already taken the pictures, but that will have to wait for another day.

-- Like the idea of a daily dog photography prompt? Click on Daily Dog Challenge and join us!

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1 comment:

  1. I broke out laughing when I saw your picture! It's perfect. I didn't think it mattered on numbers versus number... Oh well! :P I think the boys enjoyed this particular assignment!
