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Thursday, July 26, 2012







By a Nose

Dog Blog Post #761

Photography Assignment

  • Our Daily Challenge - July 26, 2012 - "Sport"

Sorry boys, Bitey-Face is not an Olympic Sport this year.

The Plan

The plan was to get a Bitey-Face picture that would work for "Sport" as well as the Daily Dog Challenge of "Neat or Messy".

The Problems

Unfortunately, none of my Bitey-Face shots showed the usual flopping of fur that would work with Messy.

I obviously played a bit with sliders on the one shot, but I never did get what I was looking for.

The Solution

While I will try again tomorrow for the DDC "Neat or Messy" shot, I was rather happy with how pictures at the top told a story that needed no extra verbiage from me.

Editor's Note: Worked on the Lighting page for BZ Dog Journal, adding in some examples from my Flickr stream as I ran across them.

I'd really like to consider lighting for every day's shots,  not just when one of the groups assigns it as challenge. I'm hoping having a page of sample images will help me do just that.

-- Like the idea of a daily dog photography prompt? Click on Daily Dog Challenge and join us!

© 2012 BZ Training - All Rights Reserved


  1. I think lighting is the one thing that I'm really conscious of. I took pictures yesterday, but didn't get time to post them. Stupid stepbrothers visiting from out of town! Anyway, the boys look fantastic as usual! I hate when I can't get pictures to turn out the way I imagine, which seems to be happening a lot lately.

  2. They look like they are having so much fun!

  3. Hi Y'all!

    Just trying to get around and visit all my friends I've been missing. Hope y'all are havin' a great day!

    Looks like the boys had a great time wrestling.

    Y'all come by now,
    Hawk aka BrownDog
