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Monday, July 30, 2012

Upside Down

Upside Down

Upside Down

Monday Mischief...

Upside Down
"Hey, who tilted the floor!"

Dog Blog Post #764

Photography Assignment

No plan, other than a bitey-face shot.
No problems.
Life was good!

Henry was rather tickled as he actually got Zachary to play tug...

Play With Me
"Play tug with me, Uncle Zachary!"
Play With Me

At least for a moment.

Play With Me

Editor's Note: My Bad, I didn't factor the Olympics into my timing for getting BZ Dogs Journal in place, nor how long a certain Real Life item was going to take.

Sooo... let's move the Grand Opening to September 1st, shall we?

-- Like the idea of a daily dog photography prompt? Click on Daily Dog Challenge and join us!

© 2012 BZ Training - All Rights Reserved


  1. I never get tired of your bitey face shots! I'm afraid people would wet their pants if they saw Morgan and Kuster playing bitey face. :P It looks a lot cuter when Goldens do it!

  2. You guys have got pretty coats! Very nice shots, but what is that you're playing with ... did you take it or is it yours? WOOF!

  3. Roo I wish I had a buddy to play bitey face with! Pawsome shots as always *waggy tail*

  4. Roo I wish I had a buddy to play bitey face with! Pawsome shots as always *waggy tail*
