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Monday, August 13, 2012


The Conversation

Uh oh... should I be worried?

A Secret

They're whispering.

A Secret

Mischief in the making to be sure.

Dog Blog Post #779

Photography Assignment

  • Our Daily Challenge - Aug 13, 2012 - "Opposite"
  • Daily Dog Challenge "287. Curves - Take a photo that highlights some of your dog's curves today!"

The Plan

Oddly enough, the idea to add Kitty to the shoot for the Opposite part of the challenge didn't occur to me until quite late in the day. Perhaps the 103F temperature was frying my brain.

What heat?

The heat that precipitated the power going out - about ten minutes before we got home from the weekly grocery store trip.

So much for keeping the fridge/freezer closed - the ice cream was melting almost as fast as I was.

Henry was not impressed.

Didn't help that it took a good 2 - 2.5 hours before it came back on.

Did I mention that Henry wasn't impressed?

The Problems

Heat? Lack of power? Can't open the doors? Can't turn on the lights? Yeah... that about sums it up.

Oh, and Henry was seriously unimpressed.

The Solution

Time heals all power grids, the resumption of the AC and fan sweetened Henry's mood, and the shoot itself was fast and uncomplicated.

Well, at least until it was Zachary's turn.

The Conversation

Zachary! Stop that!

Top Cat

Kitty, get down from there!

What Meow?
Zachary: "Meow? What meow?"
Good grief.

Editor's Notes:

Tanner and Beth: Thankfully Penguin managed to avoid being the entree - stuffed or otherwise!

Tails and Tales: Hmm... a tux tutorial. You know, Scavenge Challenge does have a challenge this month to illustrate a skill. Hmm... will give that one some thought!

-- Like the idea of a daily dog photography prompt? Click on Daily Dog Challenge and join us!

© 2012 BZ Training - All Rights Reserved


  1. Very cute! I don't think Monty would have left the stuffy alone!


  2. Oh, that's right! They do have that as part of the Scavenge Challenge!

    I really wanted to use a cat yesterday, but I didn't have one that I thought would work. Yours turned out so cute!

  3. a real kitty would have been great!..want to borrow mine?..he is a great 'alarm clock'!

  4. What is it about those kitties? I haven't figured it out either, but I haven't worn one...good job, Zachary!
