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Friday, August 10, 2012

Frosty Goodness

What's My Line?
"What's my line, again?"
"Geez, Uncle Zachary. The Frosty Paws is melting!"

Frosty Goodness
Zachary: "Frosty Paws - a one-of-a-kind wholesome frozen snack!"

Step One
Zachary: "Just rip the cover off... pthththt"

Frosty Goodness
Henry: "Hurry up, Momma!"
Zachary: (drool drool drool)

Frosty Paws
"Num Num Num...."

Dog Blog Post #775

Photography Assignment

The Plan

It was blazing hot today, so I decided a Frosty Paws cup met both the challenges and the situation.

The Problems

The shoot itself posed no problems, and when I was done I turned the boys loose with the cups still in front of the camera. This was the first time I just left the cups unattended on the floor for them (usually someone holds each cup, to prevent cup-lifting) so I was quite curious how things would turn out.

I was kinda hoping to get some good tongue shots.

Not happening.

While there was certainly plenty of tongue, the camera failed to capture it as the boys chased their little cups all around the floor.

The Solution

In the end, I gave up trying, retreating to the sofa with a cup in each hand and a dog attached to each cup.

It was just too hot to pursue it any further!

What's My Line?

Editor's Note: I had the pleasure of being interviewed over at Alfie's Blog.

It was interesting to see the questions someone else had for me, and going through those questions and thinking about the answers made me realize how much the boys and I have learned and grown over the past couple years.

Check it out!

-- Like the idea of a daily dog photography prompt? Click on Daily Dog Challenge and join us!

© 2012 BZ Training - All Rights Reserved


  1. You said it Zach & Henry...Frosty Paws is frosty goodness. It is a favorite with Freedom, Casper & Nikki. A super favorite.

  2. It appears that the boys really enjoyed this assignment! :) You got some fabulously cute shots. I got a few pictures last night before our nursing home visit, but no time to fiddle with them! lol

  3. Awwwwww.......HOW ADORABLE !!!!!
    Your photos, and doggies, are really cute !!!

  4. Yummm! The perfect treat for a hot day! Love Henry's closed eyes while waiting for his snack...too funny!

  5. frosty goodness on a hot day!..you boys have the best 'momma'

  6. Whoa!! As a huge fan of your photography, that interview was like delving into the candy jar! Too many of my photo sessions wind up stressful and just never thought about using a clicker for this! You have given me a lot to think about!

  7. Your beautiful golden boys brought a smile to my face. And your captions made me giggle. Thanks. :)
