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Saturday, August 18, 2012

Goofy Goldens

Goofy Goldens

Dynamic Duo

Goofy Goldens

Dog Blog Post #783

Photography Assignment

  • Daily Dog Challenge "291. I've Got Personality"
  • Our Daily Challenge - Aug 17, 2012 - "Object describing your personality"

The Plan

My plan was to have Zachary showing off his obsessive side by throwing trash into a can. Do you see that picture on this page? Nope. But not because it was a problem. Rather, the boys decided to start a rousing game of Bitey-Face.

With the Lacrosse Ball.

How cool is that?

The Problems

But do you see a Lacrosse Ball up top?

Well, actually two shots do have one, and one is pretty easy to spot, but it certainly isn't the highlight of either and is completely absent from the remaining shot.

I did get shots of the Lacrosse Ball, down below, where it was the highlight so it wasn't even a problem.

The problem was that I simply liked the shots up top better.

Oh dear, what to do?

The Solution

Come up with a reason why they would work without a Lacrosse Ball, of course:

As they throw themselves wholeheartedly into play, so I hope to do the same with my photography.

Sounds good to me!

Speaking of photography...


I must say that I've been really surprised at what a different fiddling with the "AF [Auto Focus] Fine Tuning" option on my Nikon d7000 made, at least the 50mm f/1.4 prime lens. What appeared to be the camera making some questionable judgement calls on which focus point to use, now seems to be it focusing a bit behind what it was looking at - we're taking a few inches here - but at close range those inches are important.

I'll try to post some comparison shots, if only to convince myself that there really is a difference. If so, then how cool is it that the camera lets you tweak it, and that you can set different values for different lens and it will remember them!

Goofy Goldens

Goofy Goldens

-- Like the idea of a daily dog photography prompt? Click on Daily Dog Challenge and join us!

© 2012 BZ Training - All Rights Reserved


  1. You can tell they are having fun! Nothing like a good game of ball.

  2. I've just come across from the Extreme pet bloggers blog hop to say hi. I'm now following you.

    Great photos.

  3. Go Boys! They are really having fun!

    I cant find the post your referring to so I am not sure how your fine tuning your focus - or maybe its a Nikon vs Canon thing that is tripping me up here!

    I love my 50mm - such a great lens and such great value. It works really well for dog or people portraits.

  4. Woof! Woof! Golden Happy GOOFY Goldens. Lots of Golden Woofs, Sugar

  5. You are much braver than I am! I avoid fiddling with knobs because I'm afraid I won't be able to get things back to the way they were. :P

    I love the boys and their silly antics!
