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Tuesday, August 14, 2012

Open Mouth, Insert Foot

Open Mouth

Dog Blog Post #780

Photography Assignment

Editor's Note: Had to be quick with photo and quote as the main task for the night was to photograph DYI - Dog Tuxedo (as a photography costume) for the Scavenge Challenge group.

DIY Dog Tuxedo - Part 1/6

DIY Dog Tuxedo - Part 2/6

DIY Dog Tuxedo - Part 3/6

DIY Dog Tuxedo - Part 4/6

DIY Dog Tuxedo - Part 5/6

DIY Dog Tuxedo - Part 6/6

... it's late, and we're supposed to be wordless, so you'll have to wait for the text description until tomorrow. Or you can just click on the first image in the series and work your way through the descriptions there.

-- Like the idea of a daily dog photography prompt? Click on Daily Dog Challenge and join us!

© 2012 BZ Training - All Rights Reserved


  1. oh if only the 'open mouth insert foot' was as simple as Henry and Zach made it out to be?

  2. I wish I was a little better at crafts. Thanks for sharing the DIY tuxedo. Love the first pic too...open mouth, insert foot :)

  3. LOL cute photo and nice DIY tux! I hopped on your blog through the Wordless Wednesday Blog Hop! :)

  4. Fur me it's usually my own paw in my mouth! Love the tux tutorial too!

  5. Hehehe...I like the photo! :-) And that is going to be one snazzy looking pup with his tux on! Nice DIY! :-)

  6. Hehe! That's a great photo.

  7. Hi Y'all!

    Just hoppin' by to say "hi".

    I assume that was some "gentle" brotherly wrestling.

    Y'all come by now,
    Hawk aka BrownDog

  8. Fun wrestling times!

    Can't wait to see them display their finery!

  9. I'm still giggling over that quote!

    I'm so excited to see the tutorial! :D I wonder if I'll be able to wrestle Kuster into one if I can make it...
