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Sunday, September 30, 2012

My Models

My Models

Dog Blog Post #826

Photography Assignment


Scavenge Challenge October 2012 - "16. The subject of your photo must be a NOUN (excluding names) beginning with 'Mo…'"

... Models were more than happy to pose for an…

Daily Dog Challenge "335. Earth Tones"

… picture, so long as I was quick to pay their Modeling Fee of cookies.

Lots of cookies.

They drive a hard bargain, but they are more than worth it!

I tried out several poses, including the sleepy look (see below) but settled on the one above as it showed the boys' personalities well and had a formal look befitting the challenge.

Zachary is looking alert and ready to do whatever I ask, and Henry is soft and relaxed.

While this is a true reflection of their personalities, for this particular picture Zachary is actually starting at the cookie ramekin held to the right in my left hand (as my right hand was holding the camera - no tripod today - and yes it was awkward) and Henry is entirely focused on me.

But reality often has little to do with studio photography, does it. :)

Monday Mischief

My Models
Good job Henry!
Stop peeking Zachary.

My Models
Much better Zachary.


-- Like the idea of a daily dog photography prompt? Click on Daily Dog Challenge and join us!

© 2012 BZ Training - All Rights Reserved

The End

Mr. Zachary

The Precious Puppy

Scavenger Challenge September 2012

Dog Blog Post #824

Photography Assignment

What a busy day today turned out to be - so busy that I didn't get any of the usual daily challenges.

Instead, I spent a goodly portion spent trying to satisfy my last picture challenge for Scavenge Challenge for the month of September.

Ta-Da - may I present...

Dancing Pickle
Mr. Pickles

Scavenge Challenge September 2012 - "9. Look around you, and find someone dressed oddly. No staged photos, please."

How can a dancing pickle not make you smile?

The rest was taken up creating the three mosaics, up top. The bottom is the final mosaic for the entire month. The first two are for:

Scavenge Challenge September 2012 - "20. Acknowledge one of your best friends with a photo montage/collage relating to them."


My beautiful boy.

He's smart, eager to please, easy to teach, a true sport about all the things I ask him to do, and a joy to be around.

He loves his Lacrosse Balls, playing with Henry, and the camera - as it means he gets lots of treats.

1. Beauty, 2. Mr. Perfect, 3. Instructions, 4. Round Roll, 5. The Boys, 6. Breakfast in Bed, 7. Saturday Fun, 8. On Their Way, 9. Young Entrepreneurs, 10. Golden Lion, 11. Ahhhhhh, 12. Hawaii, 13. Hide and Seek


Scavenge Challenge September 2012 - "20. Acknowledge one of your best friends with a photo montage/collage relating to them." (what, you didn't think I could honor one and not the other, did you?)

Henry is just as sweet on the inside as he looks on the outside.

Calm, gentle, loving, cuddly, and did I mention sweet? Very, very sweet.

He loves snuggling, carrying his soft stuffies around, playing (but not winning) tug, his Uncle Zachary, and the camera - because it means food.

And Henry really, really, really loves food.

What Henry lacks in intensity (that's Zachary's department) he makes up for with those soulful eyes. And no, I can't resist him.

1. Beauty, 2. Beauty, 3. Happy Dogs, 4. A is for Apple, 5. Lion and Bunny, 6. A Little Romance, 7. A Little Romance, 8. Everyday Life, 9. Bitey-Face, 10. Round Roll, 11. Shame, 12. Mom!, 13. School Supplies

The End
The End

-- Like the idea of a daily dog photography prompt? Click on Daily Dog Challenge and join us!

© 2012 BZ Training - All Rights Reserved

Saturday, September 29, 2012

But It's MY Ball!

But It's MY Ball!
"But it's MY ball, Henry!"

Fleeting Moment
"I got the ball. I got the ball..."

Fleeting Moment
"Mine Mine Mine Mi -- "

Ball Escape

Dog Blog Post #823

Photography Assignment

Daily Dog Challenge "333. "A Day In The Life -Capture a moment in your dog's life today!"

Our Daily Challenge - Sep 28, 2012 - "A Fleeting Moment"

The times when Henry gets his jaws on the ball are few and far between.

Imagine my surprise when, just when I needed something "fleeting", it happened!

But only for a few moments.

Don't feel too sorry for Henry, however. He never actually wants the ball (he prefers his stuffies instead) he just wants to goad Zachary into playing with him.


-- Like the idea of a daily dog photography prompt? Click on Daily Dog Challenge and join us!

© 2012 BZ Training - All Rights Reserved

Thursday, September 27, 2012

Paws with Claws

But She Started It!
"But Momma, SHE started it!"

But She Started It!
"He he he he...."

Dog Blog Post #822

Photography Assignment

Scavenge Challenge September 2012 - "18. How creative can you be, given the theme of balloons?"

No, guys, you can't squirt Kitty with water just because she's popping balloons.


Yup - more drool...

But She Started It!

Trouble Maker

Paws with Claws

-- Like the idea of a daily dog photography prompt? Click on Daily Dog Challenge and join us!

© 2012 BZ Training - All Rights Reserved

Wednesday, September 26, 2012

Cat Burglar

Cat Burglar

Cat Burglar

Dog Blog Post #821

Photography Assignment

Who is that...

Daily Dog Challenge "331. Mysterious"

… Kitty, and what is he doing with that bag jewels at…

Scavenge Challenge September 2012 - "12. What time is it? Utilize a timepiece as a principle (but not primary) part of a composition."

… Midnight?

The boys, hopefully looking a bit...

Our Daily Challenge - Sep 26, 2012 - "Old Fashioned"

… in B&W and wearing Fedoras, are on the case!

Alternates (in color)

Cat Burglar

Cat Burglar


Evil Thoughts?

The End

Cat Burgler

-- Like the idea of a daily dog photography prompt? Click on Daily Dog Challenge and join us!

© 2012 BZ Training - All Rights Reserved

Tuesday, September 25, 2012

Let's Go A's!

Go A's!
Zachary: "Oh, boy - Baseball!"
Henry: "No cookie, no worky."
Cookies coming, Henry.

First, you need your gloves...

Let's Go A's!

That's looks great boys, but you need WEAR your gloves...

Rally Gloves?

... if you expect to catch a fly ball.

Watch Out Henry

Not the safest place for your head, Henry.

Dog Blog Post #820

Photography Assignment


Our Daily Challenge - Sep 25, 2012 - "Pair"

… of dogs, with a pair of…

Scavenge Challenge September 2012 - "22. The theme is gloves, fancy or functional. Make them your principle subject."

… posed in front of a...

Daily Dog Challenge "330. Textured Background"

… showing Their Team.

(who beat the Rangers 3-2 in extra innings tonight)

Go A's!

Hoping for a Fly Ball
Hoping for a Fly Ball

Like the idea of a daily dog photography prompt? Click on Daily Dog Challenge and join us!

© 2012 BZ Training - All Rights Reserved

Monday, September 24, 2012


Happy Dogs

Happy Dogs
"Play play play"
"Play play play"

Happy Dogs

Happy Dogs
"Play    play    play     play    play
chomp   chomp 

Happy Dogs
"Play   play   play   play"
"Play   play   play"

Dog Blog Post #819

Photography Assignment

Daily Dog Challenge "329. If You're Happy and You Know It... "

Our Daily Challenge - Sep 24, 2012 - "Play"

Yup - that pretty much sums up the evening.

-- Like the idea of a daily dog photography prompt? Click on Daily Dog Challenge and join us!

© 2012 BZ Training - All Rights Reserved

Sunday, September 23, 2012

An Apple a Day

Mr. Zachary
"So - what's today's challenge, Mom?"

You get to balance an apple on your head.

You want me to do WHAT?

Doesn't that sound like fun?



A is for Apple
(must balance, must balance, must balance)

What's that dear?

A is for Apple
"Nothing Mom... Can I have my cookies now?"

Dog Blog Post #818

Photography Assignment

Our Daily Challenge - Sep 23, 2012 - "In The Kitchen"

… I found something that…

Daily Dog Challenge "328. "Starts With A"

Thankfully, Zachary was much more into this than Henry was.

I know folks gravitate toward Henry's cuteness, but times like this go far to endear ever so eager to please Mr. Zachary to my heart.

A is for Apple
(grumble grumble grumble)

Editor's Note: Apparently balancing an Apple on his head isn't written into the Precious Puppy's modeling contract.

Who knew?

No doubt his his lawyer, and I'm sure I'll be hearing from the gentleman shortly.

Monday Mischief

Those darned inanimate objects got me again, in the form of the kitchen cabinet knobs. I had knobs "stuck" to the sides of the apples, coming out of dogs heads, and generally disrupting pictorial harmony where ever they went.

Or didn't go.

Darned inanimate objects.

-- Like the idea of a daily dog photography prompt? Click on Daily Dog Challenge and join us!

© 2012 BZ Training - All Rights Reserved

Saturday, September 22, 2012

Everyday Life

Everyday Life

Everyday Life

Everyday Life

Dog Blog Post #818

Photography Assignment

Daily Dog Challenge "327. "Candid Canine - What is your dog up to today?"

The boys were at the day spa most of the day, but after their return Henry got back to…

Our Daily Challenge - Sep 22, 2012 - The Everyday"

… business of chewing up cardboard boxes.

(For those who might be under the mistaken impression they aren't REAL dogs!)

-- Like the idea of a daily dog photography prompt? Click on Daily Dog Challenge and join us!

© 2012 BZ Training - All Rights Reserved

Friday, September 21, 2012


Golden Lion
"Uh... one moment please..."

Lion and Bunny
"You ready, Henry?"

Lion and Bunny
"Oh, I hope they don't laugh."

Well,  Henry, as "amusing" is rather the point of a Whimsy shot, I kinda hope they at least crack a smile.

Let give it a go, shall we?





Lion and Bunny

Dog Blog Post #817

Photography Assignment

Daily Dog Challenge "326. "Changing Seasons" - Take a photo of your dog that shows the changing seasons in the area where you live."

Fall means Halloween, and Halloween means stores overflowing with Halloween costumes.

Including this $6 lion's head from Target.

(Henry's bunny ears are left over from Easter.)

Shouldn't one dog dressed like a lion another wearing bunny ears qualify as…

Our Daily Challenge - "Whimsical. Definition: 1.Playfully quaint or fanciful, esp. in an appealing and amusing way."


Also Rans

Lion and Lion Tamer

Lion Tamer

Lion Tamer

Good Boys!

-- Like the idea of a daily dog photography prompt? Click on Daily Dog Challenge and join us!

© 2012 BZ Training - All Rights Reserved

Thursday, September 20, 2012


Breakfast in Bed
"But Momma, there's two of us!"
Breakfast in Bed

Breakfast in Bed
(sigh... Zzzzzz)

Dog Blog Post #816

Photography Assignment


Daily Dog Challenge "325. "Decadence"

… with…

Our Daily Challenge - Sep 20, 2012 - "Breakfast"

… in bed: Jimmy Dean's Sausage, Egg, and Cheese Croissant,

The Monthly Scavenger Hunt September 2012 - "11. Split"

… in two, of course.

Get real, of course they don't normally eat like this.

We were at Target picking up a new shower curtain liner when we walked past the display case and I remembered I needed something "Decadent" for tonight's picture.

That said, Yes, they each get half of the Evil Delicacy.

Which reminds me...

"One... Two... Three... GO!"

Licked Clean

Uh... Zachary?



More Please?
"I don't suppose you have another?"

Editor's Note: Now before I get hate mail - yes, they both got exactly half. 

In fact, I dismembered it and fed each bit (a bun, a slice of cheese, a bit of egg...) to each dog by hand, as I had just cleaned the floor and didn't want sandwich bits all over it, hence there being no consumption shots.

-- Like the idea of a daily dog photography prompt? Click on Daily Dog Challenge and join us!

© 2012 BZ Training - All Rights Reserved