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Sunday, September 23, 2012

An Apple a Day

Mr. Zachary
"So - what's today's challenge, Mom?"

You get to balance an apple on your head.

You want me to do WHAT?

Doesn't that sound like fun?



A is for Apple
(must balance, must balance, must balance)

What's that dear?

A is for Apple
"Nothing Mom... Can I have my cookies now?"

Dog Blog Post #818

Photography Assignment

Our Daily Challenge - Sep 23, 2012 - "In The Kitchen"

… I found something that…

Daily Dog Challenge "328. "Starts With A"

Thankfully, Zachary was much more into this than Henry was.

I know folks gravitate toward Henry's cuteness, but times like this go far to endear ever so eager to please Mr. Zachary to my heart.

A is for Apple
(grumble grumble grumble)

Editor's Note: Apparently balancing an Apple on his head isn't written into the Precious Puppy's modeling contract.

Who knew?

No doubt his his lawyer, and I'm sure I'll be hearing from the gentleman shortly.

Monday Mischief

Those darned inanimate objects got me again, in the form of the kitchen cabinet knobs. I had knobs "stuck" to the sides of the apples, coming out of dogs heads, and generally disrupting pictorial harmony where ever they went.

Or didn't go.

Darned inanimate objects.

-- Like the idea of a daily dog photography prompt? Click on Daily Dog Challenge and join us!

© 2012 BZ Training - All Rights Reserved


  1. Well played, Zachary! Your expressions will have me smiling all day. Precious Puppy and The Princess might have the same attitude about things balanced on their heads...

  2. Well played, Zachary! Your expressions will have me smiling all day. Precious Puppy and The Princess might have the same attitude about things balanced on their heads...

  3. good job there Zachary!..you are your 'momma's favorite?..just as precious as Henry!!

  4. It's obvious you work hard with your dogs. Gorgeous photos, as usual!

  5. How could anyone not think Zachary is adorable? He and Henry just have very different faces. Personally I want to snuggle them both. ;)
