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Wednesday, September 19, 2012



(No peeking, Kitty!)

Dog Blog Post #815

Photography Assignment

The Monthly Scavenger Hunt - "4.Once upon a time."…

… there were three pirates, who said...

Daily Dog Challenge "324. "Argh!"

… and...

Scavenge Challenge September 2012 - "1. Ahoy, mateys! We'll be celebratin' International Talk Like A Pirate Day on September 19th."

… as they settled down to a nice bottle of Jack Daniels, which is a…

Our Daily Challenge - Sept 19, 2012 - "Glass"

… bottle, of course.

Boy, are they busted.

The End.


How hard can it possibly be to find a stuffed parrot???

I went to FOUR stores (one Craft, two Pet, and a Halloween store) and came up parrotless.

I found Pink flamingos, Purple hippos, and an entire stack of Pink Platypus (Platypuses? Platypodes? Platypi?)

No Parrots.

I found a Cardinal, a flock of Ducks, a clutch of chickens, and some very Angry Birds.

No Parrots.


Prop Pointers

Did you know there is a YouTube video, by a guy who sounds rather like Captain Jack Sparrow, showing how to tie a pirate bandana?

Did you know it's incredibly hard to tie a pirate bandana on a dog's head?

After going to the effort to fold the thing, I ended up punting on the rear tieback and instead made pigtails using rubber bands and then looping string around them and around the back of Henry's head.

Can't decide if he looks more like a pirate or Raggedy Andy.



Oh dear

-- Like the idea of a daily dog photography prompt? Click on Daily Dog Challenge and join us!

© 2012 BZ Training - All Rights Reserved


  1. Shiver me timbers! That is fantastic! I'm going to be giggling about Kitty in the sauce all day. I had that stuffed parrot of mine in with a basket of Beanie Babies from eons ago! I'm sorry you couldn't find one, but I think your shot is fantastic, even without one!

    And yes, I know exactly how hard it is to tie a bandanna on a dog's head! Argh!

  2. What a great picture! We are glad you are celebrating "Talk Like a Pirate Day"!

