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Saturday, September 29, 2012

But It's MY Ball!

But It's MY Ball!
"But it's MY ball, Henry!"

Fleeting Moment
"I got the ball. I got the ball..."

Fleeting Moment
"Mine Mine Mine Mi -- "

Ball Escape

Dog Blog Post #823

Photography Assignment

Daily Dog Challenge "333. "A Day In The Life -Capture a moment in your dog's life today!"

Our Daily Challenge - Sep 28, 2012 - "A Fleeting Moment"

The times when Henry gets his jaws on the ball are few and far between.

Imagine my surprise when, just when I needed something "fleeting", it happened!

But only for a few moments.

Don't feel too sorry for Henry, however. He never actually wants the ball (he prefers his stuffies instead) he just wants to goad Zachary into playing with him.


-- Like the idea of a daily dog photography prompt? Click on Daily Dog Challenge and join us!

© 2012 BZ Training - All Rights Reserved


  1. I love your pictures of your dogs, I look forward to them every week.

    I Jumped over from the Pet Bloggers Hop, I usually post as Badger Boo Cocker Spaniel.

  2. Henry, you sure know how to get Zachary started! Good ploy.

  3. good job Henry on getting the orange ball!..even if it was only for a moment!!

  4. Henry looks like such a pesky younger brother in those pictures! lol I love the shot with the ball on his foot!

  5. Henry looks like such a pesky younger brother in those pictures! lol I love the shot with the ball on his foot!
