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Thursday, September 6, 2012

Lines and Curves

Lines and Curves

Dog Blog Post #802

Daily Dog Challenge "311. Lines and Curves - Take a photo today that accentuates your dog's lines or curves, or both"

Our Daily Challenge - Sept 6, 2012 - "Straight"

It's not easy to find straight bits on the boys - perhaps Zachary's tail will do?

If not, then surely the lines between the tiles will suffice.

This is Zachary's "Squished Frog" pose, although I'm now thinking it looks more like something you'd see on the BBQ.

With a tail.

Oh dear.

Given that the boys have all their original equipment, you'd think this would be… uncomfortable.

Apparently not, as this is Zachary's preferred way to cool off after a walk, which is exactly what he was doing here.


Moving right along...

-- Like the idea of a daily dog photography prompt? Click on Daily Dog Challenge and join us!

© 2012 BZ Training - All Rights Reserved


  1. We've had a few frog dogs here, too, and I can't see how it's comfortable, but if it makes them happy... lol

  2. our kitty lies like that when its warm..flat out on his belly..I have never seen Tucker do that though..but he doesn't have all his 'bits'..maybe that's why?

  3. My babies cool off on the tile as well. More often, though, they like to sit in a sunny patch in the yard. I like your lines and curves. :)
