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Sunday, September 9, 2012

Software Development Team

Software Development Team

Dog Blog Post #805

Scavenge Challenge September 2012 - "6. What are the tools of your trade? Show us an item/items used in your profession."

I write software using a keyboard and mouse (with pad) to…

Our Daily Challenge - Sep 9, 2012 - "Bridge"

… the gap between human/canine and computer.

Food and Drink within arms/paws reach tends to help the process along.

High-caffeine beverages are most popular, although the boys seem to be more...

Daily Dog Challenge "314. Water Dog(s)"

Prop Tip of the Day

Placing an inverted plastic bowl into the Food bowl meant that I was able to use far fewer cookies to "fill" the bowl. In fact, you pretty much see (above) every cookie there is to see.

This takes on greater importance if you read on about this week's Monday Mischief...

Monday Mischief

I took just three shots today. For the record, here are the other two...

Software Development Team

Software Development Team

Why just three?

Because the ramekin filled with reward treats slipped from my fingers and crashed to the floor, spilling all the cookies within.

Thankfully, the ramekin survived intact.

But in my haste to pick up said ramekin, I kicked over the Food bowl shown above, spilling all THOSE cookies onto the floor.

Thankfully, the Food bowl survived intact.

My patience, however, did not. And as the shoot should always be fun for all parties, I wisely called a halt to the festivities as the boys happily Hoovered up the mess.

Yup, those darned inanimate objects causing mischief again!

-- Like the idea of a daily dog photography prompt? Click on Daily Dog Challenge and join us!

© 2012 BZ Training - All Rights Reserved


  1. Great Pics as usual! And its good that they get treats for sitting still for the first three pictures ! *wag wag wag*

  2. you know if you never mentioned any 'bloopers' happening we would be none the wiser!!..good job, as always!

  3. I love the third one - it reminds me of my coworkers always looking around to see what others are doing.


  4. Pawsome - I bet the boys didn't mind cleaning up the mess! *waggy tail*

  5. I'm still giggling over the food bowl spill! We all have those days!

    And my back in on complete revolt today and now I'm wracking my brain about how to combine beauty tips with a letter! Gah!

  6. I'm still giggling over the food bowl spill! We all have those days!

    And my back in on complete revolt today and now I'm wracking my brain about how to combine beauty tips with a letter! Gah!

  7. Hi Y'all!

    Just hoppin' by to say "hi".

    The boys are better at expressing themselves than most people.

    Y'all come by now,
    Hawk aka BrownDog
