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Friday, September 21, 2012


Golden Lion
"Uh... one moment please..."

Lion and Bunny
"You ready, Henry?"

Lion and Bunny
"Oh, I hope they don't laugh."

Well,  Henry, as "amusing" is rather the point of a Whimsy shot, I kinda hope they at least crack a smile.

Let give it a go, shall we?





Lion and Bunny

Dog Blog Post #817

Photography Assignment

Daily Dog Challenge "326. "Changing Seasons" - Take a photo of your dog that shows the changing seasons in the area where you live."

Fall means Halloween, and Halloween means stores overflowing with Halloween costumes.

Including this $6 lion's head from Target.

(Henry's bunny ears are left over from Easter.)

Shouldn't one dog dressed like a lion another wearing bunny ears qualify as…

Our Daily Challenge - "Whimsical. Definition: 1.Playfully quaint or fanciful, esp. in an appealing and amusing way."


Also Rans

Lion and Lion Tamer

Lion Tamer

Lion Tamer

Good Boys!

-- Like the idea of a daily dog photography prompt? Click on Daily Dog Challenge and join us!

© 2012 BZ Training - All Rights Reserved


  1. That is so cute! It definitely made me laugh :-)

  2. I'm going to Target to see if they still have any of the lion's heads - adorable! Z makes a very convincing lion, just so darn cute!

  3. They couldn't get any cuter if they wanted to! Precious.

  4. Oh my gosh! That is absolutely adorable! I love it!

  5. We chuckled a little, but didn't laugh! We promise!


  6. Hi Y'all!

    You make a great lion! Excellent!

    The rabbit...ah...maybe add a bunny tail. ;) BOL!

    Just wanted to hop on by and see how y'all are doin'. Hope y'all have a wonderful weekend!

    Y'all come by now,
    Hawk aka BrownDog

  7. Hey Henry, Hey Zachary, Jet here.

    You guys brought a huge smile to Mom and admiration from me.

    You definitely need a magazine spread of at least 20 pages!!!

  8. Hehe... the lion costume is kind of perfect!
