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Wednesday, September 12, 2012

Young Entrepreneurs

Young Entrepreneurs

Young Entrepreneurs

Dog Blog Post #807

Daily Dog Challenge "316. Worn"

Our Daily Challenge - Sep 11, 2012 - "Square"

I'm thinking they both should do a pretty brisk business, don't you? :)

Post Processing

So I decided to have some fun with a botched shot today.

(The one at the very top where I forgot to turn on the Speedlight. Oops)

I obviously upped the exposure, which created a boatload of grain, then antiqued, vignetted, and finally sharpened.

Quite a bit of sharpen, actually.

We won't talk about the drool I cloned off the signs.

Young Entrepreneurs

-- Like the idea of a daily dog photography prompt? Click on Daily Dog Challenge and join us!

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  1. Woof! Woof! Too CUTE! Sending you guys Lots of Golden KISSES n HUGS too. Happy WW. Lots of Golden Woofs, Sugar

  2. cute..I am sure the 'boys' will be rich in dollars and cookies..everyone will be lining up!!

  3. I'm sure it won't take much time for the greenbacks and cookies to pile in! Happy WW!:)

  4. You do such a great job with the posed photos. Your subjects are darling! ;)

  5. They are adorable and I'm betting that they are going to make lots of $1 bills!!!!

  6. Gorgeous pics of gorgeous doggies! I agree, their new business should do very well.

  7. Aww! Love the pictures :) Happy Wordless Wednesday :)

  8. Great job w the photo work. I've got a $1 and a cookie!

  9. Those shots are just perfect! I think the boys are going to make a lot of money. What are they planning on buying with it?

