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Wednesday, October 24, 2012

Along came a...

His Majesty

Uh, Zachary...

Dog Blog Post #850

Photography Assignment

Oh oh, it looks like someone else is checking out the boys'...

Our Daily Challenge - Oct 24, 2012 - "Favorite Place"

... on the sofa.

Daily Dog Challenge "359. Beware"

… the giant spider!

His Majesty

Uh, Henry...

Editor's Note: Was in a huge rush today to get my shots, and it shows. What I really should have done is put the backdrop stand up behind the sofa so that all the stuff you can't see because I cropped it out wouldn't show and I would have had more room to work with to create a more dynamic shot.

Oh well, Halloween is approaching fast and with luck there will be another challenge soon where I can try again!

-- Like the idea of a daily dog photography prompt? Click on Daily Dog Challenge and join us!

© 2012 BZ Training - All Rights Reserved


  1. I think the shots turned out really cute! Henry's expression just cracks me up!

  2. along came a spider and sat down beside 'him'..I think it's perfect..Henry is in his favorite spot, too bad he has 'company'!

  3. Just stopped by to say,
    Your dogs are so beautiful, I love looking at your pictures.

    Linda, Cinnamon's mom.
