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Monday, October 22, 2012

Five Little Pumpkins

Five Little Pumpkins
"One... Two... Three... Four..."

Five Little Pumpkins
"Five! Can I have my cookies now, Momma?"

Yes, Henry. You can have your cookies now. :)

Dog Blog Post #847

Photography Assignment

Daily Dog Challenge 356. "Five is a Magic Number - Take a picture of your dog with something that has to do with the number five!"

… and so I put...

Our Daily Challenge - Oct 21, 2012 - "Five"

… count them…

112 Pictures in 2012 - "Five"

… little pumpkins on the table.

Umm… yeah. And at that point my brain stalled. Why are there five pumpkins there?

I haven't a clue.

What is the meaning of this picture?

I haven't a clue about that either.


At least I like my new background fabric (purchased just today.)

And the pumpkins were rather cute (removed from a dead string of white xmas lights.)

And Henry was looking quite dapper in his Jester Collar and focused exactly where I asked him to.

But as for deeper meaning, I'm afraid you'll have to look elsewhere.

Zachary the Jester

Zachary the Jester

Monday Mischief

Otherwise known as "Fun with Nikon D7000 Color Sketch"

Five Little Pumpkins
This is the original

Five Little Pumpkins
#1. Lighter version

Five Little Pumpkins
#2. Darker version

Five Little Pumpkins
#3. Slightly different image with a smaller aperture, so the background was more distinct

Anyone have a favorite amongst those three?

-- Like the idea of a daily dog photography prompt? Click on Daily Dog Challenge and join us!

© 2012 BZ Training - All Rights Reserved


  1. Woof! Woof! Love the background. Lots of Golden Woofs, Sugar

  2. That background is fantastic! I love all the different effects you got. All I could think about was the Five Little Pumpkins song when I saw this one, though! :)

  3. very 'festive' for Halloween!!..mighty fine looking Jester Collar!!

  4. Roooo pawsome background, and cool effects. My favourite is the first one *waggy tail*
