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Friday, October 26, 2012

Ghost Stories

Ghost Stories

Oh, how cute. Zachary is reading a story to Henry.

Wait a minute...

Ghost Stories

... why is Henry hiding under his blankie?

Zachary, are you reading Henry scary stories right before bedtime?


Ghost Stories

Dog Blog Post #852

Photography Assignment

The boys looked so cute, reading their Ghost Story…

Our Daily Challenge - Oct 26, 2012 - "Book/Books"

… by the light of the lantern, that I decided to take a...

Daily Dog Challenge "361. "A Shot in the Dark"

… in hopes I could capture the moment.


FWIW: Here's one of my favorite ways to "plan" a shoot...

Planning a Shoot

Folks might recall the shots that resulted from the sticky note on the left that showed up here on Wednesday posted under Along Came A...

Uh, Zachary...

Witch's Cauldron

Hmmm… I wonder why Kitty is sitting in the witch's cauldron, and if I should be worried about that?


-- Like the idea of a daily dog photography prompt? Click on Daily Dog Challenge and join us!

© 2012 BZ Training - All Rights Reserved


  1. I love the "Who me" look in the last picture!


  2. Oh, I love these! I had a similar idea for it, but we were outside and they didn't turn out quite like I hoped. I might tinker with trying it again later if I have time.
