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Thursday, October 18, 2012

Ghostly Canines

Ghostly Canine

Ghostly Canine

Ghostly Canine

Ghostly Canine

Ghostly Canine

Dog Blog Post #843

Photography Assignment

Today was…

Daily Dog Challenge "352. Creative Lighting"

… day, which meant...

Scavenge Challenge October 2012 - "19. Take a shot in low light without using a flash. Experiment with a long exposure."

A shot?

*A* shot???

How about 65 shots of the boys, playing with various combinations of exposure, aperture, plus spot lighting (using mag-lights and head lamps, none of which made the cut.)

I found it made the boys look a bit...

Our Daily Challenge - Oct 17, 2012 - "Odd"

Henry as usual, insisted on having his photo shoot first.

Not knowing what I was doing, I pretty much blew his entire ramekin of cookies simply calling him from left to right while I adjusted aperture, exposure, and room light (which happens to be on a dimmer switch.)

Then it was Zachary's turn, and while I still fiddled a bit with settings, I spent a lot more time trying to get dynamic shots - mostly by either tossing cookies for Zachary to catch or having him spin.

Neither complained about their roles today :) but by the time I had finished Zachary's shots I had much bigger ideas and they would have worked beautifully with Henry's coat.

Oh well, a project for another day.

Ghostly Canine

Editor's Note: The pictures here were all shot in the range: 0.2-0.6s, f/2-f/3.2, ISO 100-200 using my 50mm prime lens (as almost all my shots do these days). Very little post-production was done other than to drain the yellow out of them, as the lighting was all incandescent, and the usual "magic wand" button to make a RAW file look less... RAW.

Ok... Drain The Yellow is a bit of an understatement. They were as vibrant yellow-orange as Marigolds, and I turned them into blue-tinged Casper's.


I love photography! :)

-- Like the idea of a daily dog photography prompt? Click on Daily Dog Challenge and join us!

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  1. Love the pictures. Keep up to good work.

  2. I love how these turned out! It's not something I would have thought to try, but I love the final result!
