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Sunday, October 7, 2012





Dog Blog Post #832

Photography Assignment

Daily Dog Challenge "341. Capture Beauty" - Take a photo of your dog that you feel is a beautiful image."

The boys insisted that I clarify the statement above with the word "Handsome".

A Handsome image.

In fact, they are sure it has a…

Scavenge Challenge October 2012 - "20. Create an image with a bold, masculine feel."

… masculine feel.

That's faux leather, faux animal spots, corduroy pillow in manly earth tones, and a hunting dog.

Wearing a top hat.

With a really serious expression on his face.

Sure says masculine to me!

(The question now becomes, which lucky dog gets to show their feminine side for the matching shot?)

The Race Continues

After yesterday's Canine Candidates post, the boys decided they should check out their political competition on…

Our Daily Challenge - Oct 6, 2012 - "Television".

The Competition

I have to give the boys credit, they were far more focused on the speakers than most of the humans I know.

Yet More Handsome


-- Like the idea of a daily dog photography prompt? Click on Daily Dog Challenge and join us!

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  1. The handsomeness cannot be contained! And I cannot wait to see the feminine version of this one! Ha!

    I don't think the boys have to worry about either one of those guys ruining their campaign. I think everybody will cross party lines to vote for them!
