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Thursday, October 4, 2012

I'm In Charge

Grocery List
"OK, Mom - I think we've got the grocery list ready."
That's great, boys. Let's take a look...



... I believe I'm seeing a pattern here...


... You do realize that you need to have healthy food on that list?

Grocery List
"But Cookies ARE healthy, Momma!"

Eh hem...

Why don't you guys give it one more try... and make sure you numbers all add up.

Grocery List

Dog Blog Post #830

Photography Assignment

Daily Dog Challenge "339. I'm In Charge!"

I put the boys in charge of making the weekly family shopping list, and some time later found them with a...

Scavenge Challenge October 2012 - "18. Show a hand-held electronic device in use (no cell phones or cameras, please!)" (spare)

... calculator in paw, finishing up their list.

It seems we have a wee bit of…

Our Daily Challenge - Oct 4, 2012 - "Confusion"

… over what constitutes a healthy diet.

Double Checking
I think I'll give those numbers a quick double-check.

-- Like the idea of a daily dog photography prompt? Click on Daily Dog Challenge and join us!

© 2012 BZ Training - All Rights Reserved


  1. happy shopping boys!..looks like you have all the 'essentials'!

  2. Your babies are so talented. I mentioned your blog today. I hope you don't mind.

  3. Bunny doesn't see anything wrong with that list at all! She did think that they should consider adding bacon to the list, though. :P
