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Saturday, October 13, 2012


"Mmmm.... I wonder what kind of treat we are getting today?"

"Come to us, After Dinner Cookie Container."



Dog Blog Post #838

Photography Assignment

They boys were using their...

Our Daily Challenge - Oct. 13, 2012 - "Eyes"

... to say...

Daily Dog Challenge "348. "Pleeeease"

... give us a cookie from the...

Scavenge Challenge October 2012 - "3. What item can't you bear to throw away, even though it's broken?"

... After Dinner Cookie Container.

Not to be confused with the We're Leaving Cookie container, the Thank You For Coming When Called Cookie container, the Good Night Cookie container, the Other Good Night Cookie container, and the I'm Sitting On The Sofa Cookie container.

No, I'm not kidding.

Yes, there really are containers for those purposes sprinkled about the house.

THIS cookie container has shown up several times in my stream, sporting ever more bits of tape over the ever more cracks that develop in its cheap and fragile plastic.

I have no idea why I don't get a real jar to replace it, except that it's plastic (and thus unbreakable - in the glass shattering, paw cutting way) easy to open, easy to fill, and just the right size to hold a box of cookies.

I also have no idea why I bought those treats to begin with, as I'm usually quite picky about natural ingredients for the boys, although I seem to remember them enjoying the original contents very much.

-- Like the idea of a daily dog photography prompt? Click on Daily Dog Challenge and join us!

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  1. you really need a new 'container'. :)..we have one cookie jar in our house..and Tucker knows the sound of the lid coming off and will be there in a flash!..sitting on the mat like a good boy!

  2. BOL - our boys would have grabbed that container and ran!


  3. My pups would never be that patient!

  4. I'm laughing over that cookie container. It must be quite beloved! Hopefully the boys didn't have to wait too long for those cookies!
