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Sunday, October 7, 2012

Thank You

Thank You

Dreaming of You

Thank You

Dog Blog Post #833

Photography Assignment


Scavenge Challenge October 2012 "17. Use dried or realistic artificial flowers in an image suitable for a "thank-you" card."

That would be…

Our Daily Challenge - Oct. 7, 2012 - "Plastic"


Daily Dog Challenge "342. "Leaves"

… as the real leaves aren't doing too much around here yet.

Editor's Note: Call me bragging, but I'm pretty happy with how these shots came out.

Well, most of them...

Monday Mischief



-- Like the idea of a daily dog photography prompt? Click on Daily Dog Challenge and join us!

© 2012 BZ Training - All Rights Reserved


  1. Woof! Woof! Super CUTE! Lots of Golden Woofs, Sugar

  2. Really pretty - you should try selling those to a card company. I know I would buy them.


  3. Gah! stupid fat fingers. Very impressive. And I agree with Sam.

  4. Hi Y'all!

    Just hoppin' by to say "hi" .

    Humans have been busy doing and going, plus computer "malfunctions" at most inopportune times. ..so I've really been missin' y'all! But I am havin' new adventures to relate to y'all!

    Y'all come by now,
    Hawk aka BrownDog

  5. I love how all of those turned out, and I cracked up at that last shot! You really should start your own card company. I think it would take off like gangbusters!

  6. Hi, I found your images via a google search. I really like your imanges and if possible I would really like permission to use these photos on my web site. Is this okay?

    Thank you.

  7. Hi there. I found you site via a google search. I really like your photos and would like to use at least one of these photos on my website. Would this be okay?

    Many thanks,

  8. this pics are good.can i know the name of the breed of the dog?
